laimīgie marķieri - krāsainākai ikdienai
Šie marķieri ir kas vairāk kā tikai marķieri, tie ir tavi personīgie uzmundrinātāji. Pasteļkrāsas, no kurām varat izvēlēties un izcelt savas piezīmes vai padarīt mācīšanos un darbu plānošanu nedaudz jautrāku. Bet, pagaidi, ir vēl kas! Katram marķierim ir mīlīgs un iedvesmojošs uzraksts kas uzlabos tavu dienu un atgādinās, ka vari paveikt jebko. Tie iedvesmos gan skolā un darbā, gan iepriecinās tavu sirdi ar savu lielisko dizainu.
atpakaļ uz skolu
Laimīgās pildspalvas pasteļtoņos – izkrāso piedzīvojumus (6.gab)
marķieri from SEIK
Special marķieri - finding the right one can be quite challenging. Fortunately, it is possible to order from webshop the complex and stylish marķieri. We want to inspire with our products and to have more adventures and be happier - you will be inspired by marķieri.- All marķieri are designed by young SEIK designers
- Select your favorite marķieri here.
- Delivery to parcel station or mailbox - marķieri will be delivered within a few days
- We wish that marķieri changes your day better and are looking for feedback and images, of how marķieri has achieved it.
- Do not forget to tag images with @seik and #marķieri.
Which marķieri to choose?
- Think, which marķieri will suit you the best.
- Inspire and surprise yourself or loved ones with marķieri.
- Check, what SEIK friends have shared about that product.
- Wait for marķieri to be delivered by currier or to the nearest pickup point.
- Make photos and share with us as well @seik #marķieri.